Fundraiser 1.0 is a software program design to raise money online!
You can purchase Fundraiser 1.0 for a one time payment of $4.99
After you have purchased Fundraiser 1.0 the next step is to become an affiliate. Not because as an affillate you will receive $2 for each software program you sell, no one is going to make any real money from selling software. But because in order to start receiving your funding potential for up to $11,812,500 you need to recruit a network of Fund Raisers.
Your Personalized Affiliate Link Will Look Like This One! Can Shortened Your Affiliate Link To Look Like Mine! next thing you need to do is decide and purchase the level of funding you would like to receive. When you purchase at any level, the level becomes your percent. You will receive 10 to 75% on all transactions from your Affiliate Partners. For example, you can start raising funds by making a $5 purchase at level 1 and receive 10% funding on all transactions from everyone in your network.
Imagine having 50 Fund Raisers in your Network, and as they increase his or her percent, you get funding on all their transactions. Everyone's goal is to move through all the phases of ownership to raise the money he or she needs based on how his or her network is progressing down the levels.
Fundraiser 1.0 sends out transaction statements every night. When someone purchases Fundraiser 1.0, you will be instantly notified from E-Junkie. Once someone selects a transaction percent, you will be notified within 24 hours. All payments are sent directly to your or account.
Start Raising Funds in Less Than 15 Minutes!